Enterprise Data Warehousing
EDW - Creating Data Solutions for the Enterprise

Our unique approach allows for the rapid development and adoption of Enterprise Data Warehousing within your existing environment, without downtime, extended development, and extensive re-writes of existing reports, dashboards, and KPIs.

Load, ODS, Datamart, Warehouse, Analysis Services

Load: Rapid development of Load areas act as your unique data-lake containing data from various environments, sources and, content.

ODS: ODS - Operational Data Stores, represent data from your source environments, allowing existing objects to source from the EDW ODS areas. Operational Data Stores become your "source of truth" and become the building blocks of your Enterprise Data Warehouse.

Datamart: Datamart areas are where you data modeling should occur and allow you to focus your data to the consumer , unlike existing technology that has data modeling built while create your reporting objects. By developing Datamart areas you are able to start the process of "enterprising" your data, making it reusable, concise, and accurate. Datamarts are where you start to define your objects for reporting, customers, invoices, income, and transactions. Datamarts pull data together from various ODS areas.
Most reports will pull from the Datamart areas once developed.

Warehouse: Data Warehousing areas consists data in full Dimensional Data Model. This is where you create and refine the Measures (facts) and define your Dimension data (slicers) and start the process of providing data for analysis. Referential Integrity is strictly enforce at the warehouse level, enhancing your ability to use this data while maintaining data integrity.
Most dashboards and KPIs will pull data from the Warehouse areas of your Enterprise Data Warehouse.

Analysis Services: The Analysis Services areas consist of, typically CUBE databases ready for intense data analytics and what-if analysis.
Having built your EDW in the previous "building-blocks" you are assured that your Data is consistent and has full data integrity. By enforcing full referential integrity at the Warehouse level moving to full analysis services becomes a much cleaner and concise task. This allows your customers to focus on answering the Business Questions and wondering about the data.

Proven Results: Having an Enterprise Warehouse created using these "building-blocks" of an Enterprise Data Warehouse, you are able to rapidly migrate from traditional reporting, without losing your investment in existing reports and dashboards, while actively taking the steps towards truly enterprise level solutions.

With proper architecture in place for these building blocks, moving to the Cloud is made much simpler. You are able to quantify what to move , when to move and, how to move.

This results high productivity, less loss of functionality during cloud migration and clear picture of what your cloud costs will be.

We have experience in the following industries

  • Life Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Medical Office
  • Accounting
  • Manufacturing
  • Financial Planning and Analysis
  • Government
  • Life Safety (Fire)
  • Law Enforcement
Creating Application Solutions, Reports, Dashboards, KPIs and Data Warehouses for these industries.

By engaging Prometheus Technology Solutions, we can do for you what we've do for many customers, from Health Care to Law Enforcement and every business inbetween. Creating Cost Effective, efficient and rapid development of solutions specific to your business needs.

WEB Base Application
Scheduling, BOR, Patrol, Training for Larimer County Sheriff's Office
Grand County Sheriff's Office

On-Line scheduling system used by the Sheriff's office for scheduling events, trainings, and extra patrols utilizing a web-based application created and designed for Larimer County Sheriff's Office.

The system is a self service solution, allowing authorized staff to sign up for specific functions based on their job classifications, activities and assigned duties.

This allows the user to send an appointment to their calendar and confirms their sign-up with an email to their work email address.

All "billable" information is then transfered to the payroll department via an excel download. This system also allows supervisors to see what events are covered, trainings are signed up for and who is attending.

This has allowed the Sheriff's Office to get reimbursed consistently from their federal contracts, aiding in cash-flow for tight budgets.

These web applications have been in use by both Sheriff Offices for over 12 years.

More coming soon!