We are not an IT Service Provider; We are an IT Service Partner.

What makes us different?

We approach all our customers’ requests with a unique approach.

We want to solve your immediate need, resolve what is wrong or not working. This is our primary concern, getting your business needs fulfilled using the most cost-effective method.

We also take the time to understand how you got here. In other words, determine how did this situation occurred and analyze how often this happens, is this the first time, try to discover why this happened, the root cause.

Then not only we will fill your immediate need we will offer suggestions on how to prevent this from happening in the future, this entails not only a technical assessment, but also includes business analysis to help determine if there are procedural modifications that can prevent this from happening in the future.

Once we have your immediate need resolved, we can discuss what could be put into place to prevent this from happening in the future.

The other major component of "what makes us different” is we are very cost conscience. Not everyone is a corporate top 500 company. What we do is match your needs with a fair business sized value that matches your needs and does not impact your budget.

Each engagement is unique and is tailored to you.

We work on a wide range of items.

  • PC mitigation, updates, upgrades, virus remove, speed issues
  • Internet connectivity issues, throughput and performance tuning
  • WIFI configuration focused on security, coverage and performance
  • Local Area Networking (LAN) office PC connectivity
  • EMAIL configuration
  • Website review, development SEO suggestions
  • Database reviews, backups, security, development and management

As well as advanced enterprise level processes, security, data warehousing, custom reporting.

How we work.

Is there something you need assistance with, is something broken, do you want do something new, expand or update?

Let’s talk.

Give us a call or email, we will discuss on the phone visit in person or meet on a video call. From there we will be able to determine what our next steps are. And, with our extensive history of working in the industry we may determine that one of our partners is more suited to provide the service, and we will connect you directly to them.

We want to create a long-term relationship. We are not here to simply solve your immediate need, we will and can do that, we are here so that we can build a business relationship that will allow you to grow and operate effectively and efficiently, knowing you have a technology partner that can guide you through the ever-changing IT environment.

Don’t have an immediate need?

That’s okay, give us a call or email anyway! We want to get to know our community, our neighbors and get to know what our technology partnership could do for us in the future.

One last note.

Size doesn’t matter, one PC in your home or 2,500+ user network. It’s about partnering with people to promote the use of technology in our life or business.

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And as always feel free to call or email us. Phone: 307.401.5235 E-Mail: Eric Blake